Monday, September 14, 2009

Aim and Shoot... Pictures, Pictures, Pictures

This drives me nuts... how about you????

Before diving into the enchilada sauce. I spent the afternoon re-taking pictures for my etsy shop ( I got about 1/2 of my items done.

I've spent the last couple of days re-taking pictures with different lighting. Not liking any of them. Finally I decided to pack up and go outside. After we went to wally world and got some yard spray for the skeeters (yes, they are awefull here).

I was happy with the outdoor pictures. Once I get caught up, it shouldn't be so bad. Taking the pictures outside. If I can just get in the habbit of taking them when I finish something and not letting my creations pile up first.

Please feel free to comment and tell me... Do you take your pictures outside or use lots of lights inside? I've been looking at one of those photo cubes for indoors. Do you use one of those? Oh one last thing, what megapixel is your camera?

Here are some of my befores and afters. BIG difference :-)


  1. Nothing like natural light, I think. When it's dark, the photocube is invaluable, but I think natural lights - either indoors or outdoors - is best. Sometimes outside it's too bright. (And sometimes the wind kicks in and earrings are flying everywhere.) Used to take my pics in my bathroom,which has good light, on the toilet seat, it being a flat surface and all. Such a glamorous notion. ;0)

  2. I always questioned my daughter about her pictures in the bathroom. Even her friends take them in the bathroom. Maybe I should listen to my kids. They say the pictures come out better in there.
